and then we picked more

As if the strawberries weren’t enough.  A farm e-mail alert sent us off on the trail of raspberries and marionberries over the weekend.  In two hours time, 5 people can pick a phenomenal amount of berries.  We’ll see next year at this time if it was too much.  But really, is there such a thing as too many berries?  Right now the final round of goodness lies on cookie sheets spread out among four family freezers.
It was wet; raining steadily for the first hour we picked, but I highly recommend it—we were the only people picking the entire time.  No bugs or bees to speak of, and we royally ticked off most of the birds in the area.  I’ll remember their indignant chatter the winter while I eat a warm berry cobbler or enjoy berries on my pancakes.

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